You are currently viewing Copertura televisiva in 5 continenti per il Logiman Mythical Cars Rally

Media coverage in five continents for the Logiman Mythical Cars Rally

The first edition of the Logiman Mythical Cars Rally, four days of sport, shows and entertainment, which will have its beating heart in Varzi and will take place on the roads of Oltrepò Pavese, from 24 to 27 May 2023, will enjoy global television coverage.

The race and the various moments of the event will be broadcast unencrypted and in free streaming from over 90 television and media platforms around the world. In fact, there is widespread coverage on linear platforms both on-demand and GCN+.

In addition to Europe, the Logiman Mythical Cars Rally 2023 will be broadcast in North and South America, in the Middle and Far East, in Oceania and in many African countries. in particular of the sub-Saharan area.

A specialized company will take care of the video shooting services with the use of a mobile direction and will be able to take care of every aspect of the Logiman Mythical Cars Rally television project: television shooting, remote production and video streaming.

At this link you can find the list of TV platforms which at the moment, others are being defined, will broadcast the various moments of the event.