Useful numbers

If you are in serious difficulty and need help

the single number to call for emergencies is 112

a free number to dial without any prefix: the operator will put you in touch with the authority or service able to help you.
For needs limited to specific areas, you can also call the following numbers:

Finally, here are other numbers that may be useful for planning your
journey in the best possible way:

if you travel by car, 1518 is the toll-free number of the CCISS "Viaggiare Informati" service

which provides real-time traffic information and receives reports of accidents and problems from motorists.
For traffic on the Autostrade - motorways , you can also contact 840 042121.
If you travel by train, the free number to contact Trenitalia is 800 892021,
while Italo (the main private operator) answers 060708 (for reservations) and 892020 (for assistance)

In Varzi the useful numbers are:

via F.Repetti, 11 – Varzi
tel. 0383/547258

via A. De Gasperi – Varzi
tel. 0383/53239

piazza Umberto I, 1 – Varzi
tel. 0383/545290

via C. Odetti, 12/13 – Varzi
tel. 0383/52012

Via Oriolo, 55 – Voghera
tel. 0383/369674

Via Carlo Emanuele III, 1 – Voghera
tel. 0383/344911

Piazzale Guglielmo Marconi, 1 – Voghera
tel. 0383/48852

Piazza Umberto I 1 – Varzi
tel. 0383/53532

via F. Repetti, 11 – Varzi
tel. 0383/5471

via F. repetti, 11 – Varzi
tel. 0382/302329

Via Lombardia, 71 /B -Varzi
tel. 0383/52088

Via Salita Diciotto Settembre, 1 – Varzi
tel. 0383/545031

Via Pietro Mazza, 24 – Varzi
tel. 0383/52768

via Pietro Mazza, 77 – Varzi
tel. 0383/53291

Largo Paolo Savini 3 – Varzi
tel. 0383/52007

Piazza Umberto I 9 – Varzi
tel. 0383/52045

via Pietro Mazza, 11 – Varzi
tel. 0383/545063

via Pietro Mazza, 6 – Varzi
tel. 0383/545214